Monday, February 20, 2012

What does the ESP button do on an Audi TT?

I have an ESP button on my dashboard of a 2002 Audi TT and have no idea what it does! I think it might have something to do with traction control but am unsure.What does the ESP button do on an Audi TT?When piloting an Audi TT if you enter a corner too fast for road conditions (wet or snow or mud) and suddenly let off the gas to slow yourself down (which is what most people do) you will experince oversteer. This simply means the back end of the car will slid out and point the car sharply into the corner as the front end trys to swap places with the rear end. ESP will try to save you by electronically applying individual brakes to individual wheels to get the TT pointing the right way.What does the ESP button do on an Audi TT?Well hello owners manual.What does the ESP button do on an Audi TT?"Electronic Stability Program"

See what it does here.鈥?/a>

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