Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My brothers eats up everything and yet he is so fit

He has a flat stomach and his diet is horrible. He eats up everything in the house eats about two big bags of dorietoes a day and just eats a whole bunch of junk food he takes a pooh like once every two weeks and he is in thier for about two hours all my brother does is play basketball. Me on the other hand i use to eat a alot of junk but not like my brotherand i got fat i soon started exersixing more and had my mom sign me up for basetball and martial arts. I soon started sliming down but my question is my brother eats up everything and it goes know where he is very tall and his weight is perfect. Every time we go to the doctor he says we both are healthy. But how can it be i havent eaten fast food for months and the only way i will eat it is if it is neccasary my brother eats macdonalds every other day along with kfc burger king. Im fine with my weight now my brother is tall and average size and im short but buff. My brother is the least health conchouus person in the world and ive been trying to get him to watch his weight. ANd one day at applebees he ordered two things of hotwings two bacon cheesburgers with a side of fries he ate it all and he had to nerve to order a chicken salad he thought he was doing a good thing by eating a salad because he told me" here im eating a salad you happy" but seriously people where does all the food my brother eat go ? My brothers eats up everything and yet he is so fit
Sigh.. my husband is the same way. Some are just lucky like that.
this isnt newborn nor baby My brothers eats up everything and yet he is so fit
He probably just has a really high metabolism. But it slows as you get older, so I guess he'll have a nasty surprise if he keeps up his eating habits over the years.
Same here. It will catch up to him in a few years. My brother did the same thing and he is 22 now and packing on the pounds. Also, people have different metabolims. Yours is just slower than his. You need to focus on you and keep yourself healthy and in a few years, you will find that you are in better shape than he is.

Eat in moderation and exercise. Make sure you have a healthy and varied diet with meats, fruits, veggies, and dairy. Don't compare yourself to others because you will always find someone who you think is better than you in some way. You are probably just fine the way you are and if the doctor says you are healthy, then believe them! My brothers eats up everything and yet he is so fit
He has an extremely fast metabolism. Either that, or he's bulimic. He throws up after he eats. But I doubt that.

It might catch up with him once hes in his 20's or 30's. But if he eats as much as you say, I don't think it will. He sounds just like my brother, hes like a pig, looks like a twig.
he likely has a faster metabolism but it will catch up with him when he is older so don't stress about him focus on you and what works for you

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